What is Home Staging

Home staging bedroom

Home Staging by Jayne

  • Can increase the interest and the number of viewings of your property
  • Create more viewings which increase potential buyers.
  • More potential buyers will lead to more offers
  • More offers increase the potential for a higher selling price
  • Generate more interest from potential holiday cottage clients or tenants.

Home staging is a crucial part of the process when you are selling your home, it transforms your home to allow it to be presented in the best possible way.

Home Staging by Jayne can make a room look bigger, brighter, cosier, more loving, and warmer to appeal to the highest number of potential buyers, resulting in a quick sale at a higher selling price.

Home Staging is the art of preparing your house or property ready for sale in such a way that you maximise on its true market potential. A professional Home Stager can assess your property and identify all the areas that require improvement and what work needs to be completed. Often home owners can not see what is wrong with their own property or understand why potential buyers are not interested in it when they love it to bits themselves.

It is only by employing the services of an independent external Professional Home Stager that has no prior connection to your property that you can then be shown the real truth about what potential buyers are noticing and that you are not. Home Staging does not have to be expensive, sometimes all that is required is a declutter, a good clean, a de-personalisation of accessories and then a re-arrangement of existing key items of furniture and accessories within a room in order to maximize the effect of making it into an attractive place to live.

Potential buyers need to be able to imagine that they are already living in the property, if they can not do that then they will not be interested in it and will move on to the next property on their list.